Cognitive Behavioral Therapists often refer to "Core Beliefs" about self and the world. These beliefs shape everything we do, including Exposure Therapy for OCD. These beliefs matter.
- I must be perfect or I'm a failure and therefore worthless.
- I must do everything right on the very first try.
- I must never make a mistake.
These beliefs are on auto-pilot. They guide my actions before I even realize it. OCD feeds on these beliefs, and uses every opportunity to remind me that I shouldn't do the things I fear, or do my treatment, because the stakes are too high. Another bit of CBT jargon is "Feared Consequences," and mine are dire.
- If I make a mistake, this will prove I am worthless, and I will have no hope of peace or joy in my life.
- I will implode from the pressure of my defectiveness.
- I will go crazy from the anxiety.
Leonard had quite a lot to slog through with me to get to the point of doing Exposure and Response Prevention. ERP sounds daunting enough--"Do what you don't want to do in order to get better,"--without adding "And do it perfectly the first time." ERP works by taking it step by step, starting with something tolerable and moving up a ladder or hierarchy of feared actions. Contending with the a harsh critical voice yelling, "Whatever you do isn't enough" paralyzed me at first.
What are your core beliefs? Are they true for everyone, or only for yourself?
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